
Zoom at Penn State is a web conferencing tool that you can use to record both your individual and group presentations. The recorded videos can then be embedded in a Canvas assignment or discussion.

Record and Submit Your Video

To record group presentations, one member will need to schedule a Zoom meeting to work synchronously with the rest of the group. The following instructions outline how to schedule a Zoom meeting (for group work), record the meeting, publish the recording, and embed the video in Canvas.

To schedule or join a Zoom meeting, you must first download the Zoom desktop client (launcher).

Step 1: Schedule the Zoom Meeting (for Group Work)
  1. One member of the group will need to be the host of the meeting. The host will schedule the meeting in Zoom, send the meeting invitation to the members of the group well in advance, and publish and embed the recording.
  2. So that meeting recordings are automatically added to Kaltura, when scheduling the meeting, the host should select the Settings tab in the Zoom navigation menu, then the Recordings tab, and enable Cloud recording.   Additionally, enabling automated meeting captions and transcripts for recordings is a recommended best practice. All of these settings will remain enabled for your subsequent Zoom meetings.                

Step 2: Record the Zoom Meeting
  1. When you are in the Zoom room and ready to record, the host should select Record in the Zoom menu bar and choose to save the recording to the cloud. The recording will stop when the host selects Stop Recording or when they end the meeting.
  2. Cloud recordings are automatically uploaded to the host's Kaltura MediaSpace. The host will receive an email from Penn State Kaltura Support with the recording link when it is ready. Read the email carefully, and please note that viewers cannot access the link until the host publishes it as Unlisted in MediaSpace.

It's strongly recommended that the host rename the video to include the name of the assignment, your name or group name/number, and the course and semester information (such as "PADM516 SP23 Project Presentation by Group 3," or "MKTG342 SP23 Individual Introduction by Jane Smith"). Additionally, update the descriptions so that files are easier to identify in the host's Kaltura MediaSpace.

Step 3: Submit the Recording
  1. Before you submit the recording, please note again that viewers cannot access the recording until it is published as Unlisted in MediaSpace.
  2. Once your Zoom recording is set as Unlisted, go to the activity in Canvas.
  3. For a text-entry submission assignment, do the following:
  4. For a reply to a discussion, do the following:
Zoom Resources

In case you are not familiar with Zoom, here are resources that you may find helpful:

For technical questions and issues, please contact the IT Service Desk.