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Lesson 1: An Introduction to Tax

What Qualifies as a Tax?

Portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.


Taxes are the price we pay for civilized society.



— Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. Collector of Internal, 1927)


The three main characteristics that all taxes share is that they are mandatory, imposed by the government, and not directly linked to a specific taxpayer benefit.


These are required by law and are not voluntarily paid.

Imposed by the Government

Governments (federal, state, and local) impose taxes to raise revenue for operations and programs that they provide.

Independent of Taxpayer Benefits

Taxes paid by the taxpayer have no direct link to any particular benefit received by the taxpayer. For example, taxpayers will receive the benefits of national defense by our federal government regardless of their payment of taxes. Table 1.1 shows examples of tax programs by governmental level.

Table 1.1. Tax Programs by Governmental Level
Governmental LevelPrograms Taxes Pay For

National defense

Judicial system

Social programs

  • Medicare, Medicaid, other health programs
  • Social security

Interstate highways


Law enforcement

Public schools

Low-income assistance


Environmental programs

Road maintenance


Police and fire departments



Special projects

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