Main Content
Lesson 1: Introduction, Background, and Review
Using the IRAC Method and Bluebooking in Memos and Discussions
Please review and learn about the IRAC method and Bluebooking for use in both your online discussions and your memos. Where applicable, student need to substantiate their thoughts or opinions in the online discussions in lieu of just a general opinion or thought without something to substantiate it. Below you will find references and sites that illustrate how to accomplish these two objectives.
IRAC Method
The IRAC method is the standard in the business world as far as discussions in memorandums and should be used as a basis for your online discussion. The following resources provide details on this method.
How to Brief a Case Using the "IRAC" Method
Video 1.3. Introduction to IRAC
Video 1.4. How to IRAC a law case
Bluebooking is the preferred method citing for memorandums and should also be used as a basis for your online discussions. Also see the Georgetown Law Library Bluebook Guide on the next page.
Video 1.5. Bluebooking Series Part I An Introduction to the Basics.
Video 1.6. Bluebook Lesson 1 - 19th Edition.