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Lesson 1: Introduction to the Course


Welcome to ADTED 510: Historical and Social Issues in Adult Education. Before we get started, I'd like to tell you a few things about the course and how I plan to teach it.

The first thing you should know is that this is a heavy reading course (if you've looked at the syllabus, you probably know that already!). In order to seriously address an issue, we have to be well versed in that issue, and that requires some fairly extensive reading. The course will also require quite a bit of writing. You will be writing four critiques of 1000 words each, and an end-of-course paper. And, of course, you will be writing your contributions to the class discussion in the discussion forums. These discussions focus on the major concepts and themes of each lesson, on which you will base each of your four critiques. Your classmates and I will provide encouragement and support to you in the discussions that form the basis for each critique, but ultimately you are responsible for the content and quality of your written assignments.

You'll find more information about these writing assignments in the course syllabus and in the Writing Assignment Descriptions.

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