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Lesson 5: The Principal as Visionary


If we do not know where or why we’re going someplace, it should come as no surprise when we don’t get there.

Elaine L. Wilmore

Strategic thinking and planning are critical to effective leadership. However, having a clear vision with well-aligned goals and strategies is useless if it exists only in the mind of the leader. A shared vision, common goals, and combined efforts are necessary. As indicated in a previous lesson, to truly be a leader, one must have followers. Although a principal’s vision for the school sets the direction for the teachers, staff, parents, students, etc., the principal must develop this vision in cooperation with the various stakeholders and must maintain their support if he or she hopes to ultimately achieve the desired goals.

Lesson 5 examines the process of developing the necessary shared commitment to the overall strategic plan through effective visioning and proactive relationship building. Communication, trust, visibility, and presence are highlighted in relation to community building.

Essential Question for Lesson 5

As you work through the material in Lesson 5, consider this essential question:

  • How do effective principals establish and achieve their school vision?

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you should be able to

  • summarize the process for establishing and achieving a school or district vision;
  • recognize the importance of fostering positive school-community relations;
  • distinguish between visibility and presence in school leadership; and
  • connect the concepts of trust and relationship building to the process of effective vision setting.

Lesson Readings & Activities

By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Lesson 5 Course Schedule.

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