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Lesson 2: Roles, Responsibilities, Strategy, and Structure of the Homeland Security Enterprise

Lesson 2 - Roles, Responsibilities, Strategy and Structure of the Homeland Security Enterprise

Lesson Overview

This lesson provides a perspective on roles, responsibility, strategy and structure of DHS and others, with an aim of introducing students to the homeland security enterprise and its key elements.  In addition, we will examine the art (and science) of strategic thinking, in general, and as it is undertaken by the federal government in responding to threats to U.S. vital national interests.   The lesson seeks to prepare students to think strategically, as practitioners, in a frequently changing security environment, by applying frameworks to the analysis of daily incidents, crisis management, and long-term strategies, as applicable.  The current challenges to homeland security call for the use of such a process of comprehensive, integrated planning by decision makers in the enlightened pursuit of national objectives, using all the instruments of statecraft, and other capabilities, in a prioritized manner, while considering the vulnerabilities of the United States and always being mindful of the basic beliefs and ideals that are valued by the United States.  Lastly, the lesson introduces the students to various leadership principles and traits to consider for the development of (or modification of) the students’ own leadership styles. 

Lesson Objectives

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe the major roles, responsibilities and strategies of DHS
  • Become familiar with various frameworks for strategic thinking 
  • Develop a functional framework to use in thinking about homeland security issues
  • Develop an ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate homeland security issues, using frameworks 
  • Apply a strategic framework to a current homeland security issue or decision

Please complete the assignments and readings outlined on the course schedule for this week.

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