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Class 02 The Elements of Story

Your Turn

Post 2.3 Writing Journal

Choose one of the following to post to your Writing Journal. Remember to include the post number.

A. This is a four-step exercise.

  • First, tell us: what was your favorite genre to read as a child? Humor? Mystery? Thriller? Nonfiction? Fantasy? Science fiction? Paranormal? Coming of Age? Write it down.
  • Now, what was your greatest fear or desire as a child? Do you remember? Write it out in 1-3 sentences.
  • Next, think about your favorite genre and your greatest fear or desire. Can you combine these two things into a story for young readers? Is it a possible germ for a story?
  • In no more than 250 words, write out a summary for a story that combines your favorite genre and your greatest fear or desire. Be sure to identify the form (picture book, short story, novel, etc.) and the age group for whom this story summary is geared.

B. Do you have another story germ? Is there a setting, character, event, theme, or other element of story you'd like to explore? Tell us about it in 300 words or less.

C. Make list of the things you used to believe when you were a child. Post your list to your writing journal OR write about a moment when you realized that something or someone you used to believe or believe in was no longer true.

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