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Lesson 01: An Overview of Human Resource Management

Ethical HRM

Ethics is the study of what is right and what is wrong.  Society expects HRM decisions to be ethical.  Unethical decisions can cost an organization’s reputation and may be illegal.

Globalization increases the importance of ethical decision making in all areas. With more people affected by an organization’s decisions, it is vital that all stakeholders are considered.

Ethics is an area that is challenging to teach because it encompasses an individuals’ values and morals, which may vary across the globe. What one person might consider unethical, another may view as acceptable. The right decision is not always clearly evident. An ethical person operates in a manner that is honest, legal, and fair. Ethical professionals are concerned with how their decisions affect the welfare of the people with whom they interact. HR professionals have a responsibility to ensure that all of their business interactions are conducted in an ethical manner at all times.

What are some ethical issues that may arise from a firm’s HR practices? Reflect on your own experiences with HR, as well as HR-related news stories you have encountered.
— Pause to Reflect

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