The schedule below outlines the topics we will be covering in this course, along with the associated time frames and assignments.Note that all dates reflect North American eastern time (ET). This ensures that all students have the same deadlines regardless of where they live.
All lesson assignments must be submitted by 11:59 PM (ET) on the last day of the timeframe indicated below for the lesson unless otherwise stated. Initial discussion forum first posts are due Wednesday of the lesson week assigned with responses being due on Sunday of the assigned week unless otherwise noted
Lesson 1: The Psychological Contract and Relationships in the Workplace
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Lesson 2: Group and Team Dynamics
Readings: |
- Hughes, Chapter 10 & Chapter 11, pp. 449-462
Assignments: |
- Discuss findings from your PCI Assessment from Week 1 in your team discussion board.
Lesson 3: Interpersonal Communication
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Complete Social Interdependence (SI) Questionnaire then discuss findings in your team discussion board on SI.
Complete the Psychological Contract Worksheet (PCW) and discuss findings in your team discussion board on PCW.
As a team, have a discussion about how you will start the process of working on the Team Building Exercise. Incorporate this discussion into the discussion board on PCW (above).
Quiz #1(covers Lessons 1-3)
Lesson 4: Learning Styles, Perception, and Attribution
Readings: |
- Hughes, Chapter 2, pp. 42-66
Assignments: |
Complete Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your first journal.
Complete the Implicit Bias Test (at least one social attitude) and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your first journal.
Lesson 5: Introduction to the Art and Science of Leadership
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Individual Discussion Board Activity: Post each team’s PCW on the discussion board. Each of you should read all of the other teams’ PCW’s and comment on at least two.
Complete the Heroes, Teachers, and Rulers activity on the team discussion board as instructed at the end of the lesson.
Due: Journal #1 (Must address two topics addressed in lessons 1-4)
Lesson 6: Trait and Behavior Based Theories of Leadership
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Quiz #2 (covers Lessons 4-6)
Finalize Team Psychological Contract Worksheet within your team discussion board.
Complete the Big 5 Personality Assessment and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your second journal.
Complete the Emotional Intelligence Assessment and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your second journal.
Lesson 7: Situational and Contingency Theories of Leadership
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Quiz #3 (covers Lesson 7)
Complete the Least Preferred Coworker Scale and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your second journal.
Complete the Situational Leadership Style Self-Assessment and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your second journal.
Lesson 8: Full-Range, Authentic, and Servant Leadership
Readings: |
- Hughes, Chapter 14, Chapter 5, pp. 166-169
Assignments: |
Ask two colleagues to complete the Servant Leadership Assessment. REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your second journal.
Individual Discussion Board Activity on Team Building Project: Share any examples of team building exercises you have found that may be helpful or interesting to the other teams. Post a report of each team’s progress on the team building project. Each of you should read all of the other team’s progress reports and comment on at least two.
Readings: | None |
Assignments: |
Lesson 9: Ethics, Values, and Organizational Culture
Readings: |
- Hughes, Chapter 5, pp. 150-165; 169-178; Chapter 12, pp. 490-516
Assignments: |
Lesson 10: Power and Politics
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Quiz #4 (covers Lessons 8-10)
Complete the Political Skill/Power Test and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your third journal.
Continue to work on your Team Building Exercises.
Lesson 11: Conflict and Negotiation
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Complete the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and REFLECT upon the findings. Consider incorporating this as a topic for your third journal.
Discuss findings from the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode instrument in your team discussion board.
Lesson 12: Creativity and Decision-Making
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Due: Journal #3 (Must address two topics addressed in lessons 9-11)
Prepare Team Building Exercise to be turned in next week.
Individual Discussion Board Activity: Muddiest Waters Posts -Post the questions you have as your prepare to turn in your team building exercises.
Lesson 13: The Value of Diversity in Groups and Teams
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Think carefully about the REFLECTION questions posed throughout this lesson. Consider incorporating your answers as a topic for your fourth journal.
Due: Team Building Exercises
Due: Team Building Exercise Peer Evaluation
Lesson 14:
Readings: |
Assignments: |
Lesson 15: Mentoring, Coaching, and Developing Others
Readings: |
- Hughes, Chapter 2, pp. 68-74
Assignments: |
- Work on Journal #4 due next week. (Must address two topics addressed in lessons 12-15)
Final Exam Week
Readings: |
Assignments: |
- Due: Journal #4 (Must address two topics addressed in lessons 12-15)