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Lesson 1: Introduction to Information Systems (IS)

Introduction to Information Systems (IS)

Introduction to Information Systems (IS)

Welcome to MIS 204 - Introduction to Information Systems. This course will tackle many topics that involve technology theory, but also have a far-reaching impact on the daily operations of a business. Today, it is hard to separate the technology from the business. For example, metrics are important in all aspects of organizations today. They are used to measure inventory levels, marketing effectiveness, social media reach, and sales productivity. Technology provides the means to manage those metrics through the extraction and aggregation of data. This course will teach you about the interface of business and technology so that you understand how to extract and utilize business data.

Positions such as business, sales, and marketing analysts walk the fine line between technology and business. They integrate the components of technical knowledge and practical applications of business activity. They speak the languages of technology and business, which enables them to bring together various aspects of the company to communicate in a meaningful way to various stakeholders. These positions require a strong background knowledge of business acumen, but also require some knowledge of using technology tools. Throughout MIS 204, you will be presented with scenarios that will help you develop those technical skills.

Blue Cat Widget LogoAs you progress through this course, you will take on the role of a business analyst at the Blue Cat Widget Company. You will be challenged with tasks - in the form of assignments - that will require the utilization of technology skills to solve business problems. But before we throw you into that position, it is necessary to give you some background on the use of technology. There are some technical terms you must understand to be successful. 

One of the key technology concepts used in the business world is “information systems”, a term synonymous with the use of technology. Managers use information systems that help to fix problems by providing their company with the ability to store, manage, analyze, and profit from information about a business. Common information systems include the use of spreadsheets, databases, blogs, wikis, and combinations of these tools which are common and critical tools to understand and navigate the ever-increasing technology base. These are some of the primary resources used to interface between the business people and the technical people in an organization.

So, throughout this course, you - as a newly minted business analyst at the Blue Cat Widget Company - will work to enhance your knowledge of technical topics and tools. Each lesson in this course will build on previous topics until you have the proficiency to provide a smooth interface between the business people and the technology people in the company.

To start, this lesson provides some basics that you need to know about systems and information.

Learning Objectives

The goal of this lesson is to introduce you to organizational information systems. Upon completion of this lesson you will be able to:

  • Explain the differences and relationships between data, information, and knowledge.
  • Identify and describe the different types of information systems common to modern organizations.
  • Develop a blog that you will use to collect information about technology topics.

Lesson Readings and Assignments

By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Lesson 1 Course Schedule.

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