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Lesson 2: Roles of the Community Nurse

Lesson 2 Objectives

  1. Distinguish among neighborhoods, communities, and aggregates as populations served by population focused nurses.
  2. Describe community health nursing practices, its purpose, and goals.
  3. Discuss trends in national health objectives.
  4. Discuss the levels of health care prevention.
  5. Describe models and standards for Community Health practice.
  6. Discuss ethic involved in Community Health practice.

Lesson Readings and Activities

  • By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Course Schedule for Lesson 2.
Assessment: You will receive a pass/fail grade for participation in discussion related to your textbook readings and for sharing your theoretical model and related discussion. Though you will not receive a specific grade for participation in discussions related to the theoretical model and textbook reading discussions, I will monitor who does/doesn't participate. Participation will be considered at the end of the course when final grades are being assigned.

Remember, the opportunity to interact with others enhances your online learning experiences. Learn from one another through communicating and collaborating about topics related to Community Health.

Also, remember, that your exams will be primarily based on your course readings. Your first exam will be after lesson 4. Please review your course schedule (syllabus) for specific dates.

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