Main Content


Note: All due dates reflect North American eastern time (ET).

  • Course length: 7 weeks

Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due by 11:59 a.m.(ET) on the Monday after each Lesson's timeframe.


Week 1

Lesson 1: Course Overview and Introduction


  • Syllabus and Course Schedule
  • Academic Integrity module
  • Course Orientation module
  • Lesson 1 course commentary


  1. Academic Integrity Quiz
  2. APA Style Quiz

Part 1: Introduction and Overview of Emotional and Social Intelligence

Lesson 2: The Introduction to Emotional and Social Intelligence


  • Lesson 2 course commentary


  1. Discussion: Lessons 1 and 2


Week 2

Lesson 3: The Benefits and Use of Emotional and Social Intelligence in Leadership


  • Lesson 3 course commentary

E-Reserve Readings (located in Library Resources)

  • Stein, S., & Book, H. (2011). The EQ edge, pp. 247–249.
  • Stein, S., & Book, H. (2011). The EQ edge, pp. 268–271.
  • Stein, S., & Book, H. (2011). The EQ edge, pp. 278–280.

Part 2: Development of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence Through Mindfulness

Lesson 4: The Neuroscience Behind Emotional Intelligence and Its Development Through Mindfulness Practice


  • Lesson 4 Course Commentary
  • Gilkey, R., Caceda, R., & Kilts, C. (2010). When emotional reasoning trumps IQ. Harvard Business Review, 88(9), 27.
  • "Breathing Meditation" or "Short Body Scan" from Guided Meditations from UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (optional reading)


  1. Discussion: Lessons 3 and 4


Week 3

Part 3: Measurement of Emotional and Social Intelligence and the Relationship to Leadership

Lesson 5: The Assessment of Emotional Intelligence—The EQ-i 2.0


  • Lesson 5 course commentary

E-Reserve Readings (located in Library Resources)

  • Stein, S. J., & Book, H. E. (2011). Appendix A: The EQ-i 2.0. In The EQ edge: Emotional intelligence and your success (pp. 305–312). Jossey-Bass.
Lesson 6: Emotional and Social Intelligence Skills—Self-Perception and Leadership


  • Lesson 6 course commentary
Lesson 7: Emotional and Social Intelligence Skills —The Self-Expression and Leadership


  • Lesson 7 course commentary


  1. Individual Essay: Lessons 5-7


Week 4

Lesson 8: Emotional and Social Intelligence Skills—The Interpersonal and Leadership


  • Lesson 8 course commentary
Lesson 9: Emotional and Social Intelligence Skills—Decision-Making and Leadership


  • Lesson 9 course commentary
Lesson 10: Emotional and Social Intelligence Skills—Stress Management and Leadership


  • Lesson 10 course commentary


  1. Individual Essay: Lessons 8-10


Week 5

Lesson 11: Emotional and Social Intelligence Skills—The Well-Being Indicator and Leadership


  • Lesson 11 course commentary


  1. Complete the EQ-i 2.0 assessment

Part 4: Cultural Intelligence and Leadership

Lesson 12: Cultural Intelligence and Leadership


  • Lesson 12 course commentary

E-Reserve Readings (located in Library Resources)

  • Livermore, D. (2015). Leading with cultural intelligence. AMACOM (Chapter 2: pp. 26–32, 34–40).


  1. Complete the CQ Pro assessment
  2. Discussion: Lessons 11 and 12


Week 6

Part 5: Development of Emotional, Social, and Cultural Intelligences—Results, Feedback, and Plan

Lesson 13: Development of Emotional, Social, and Cultural Intelligences—Results, Feedback, and Plan


  • Lesson 13 course commentary
  • Review Lessons 1–12


  1. Lesson 13 Discussion: Feedback Reports and Results
  2. Leadership Development Plan


Week 7

Lesson 14: Emotional, Social, and Cultural Intelligences and the Implications for Leadership Revisited


  • Lesson 14 course commentary


  1. Lesson 14 Discussion: Reflections on Emotional, Social, and Cultural Intelligence and Leadership (DUE FRIDAY BY 11:59 AM)


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