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Lesson 2: Disaster Response and Preparedness for Emergency Medical Services


Critical Incident Management

The Incident Command System (ICS) model was first developed in the 1970s and includes five core functions:

  • Command
  • Operations
  • Planning
  • Logistics
  • Finance

The functions together implement the incident action planning process.


Triage is a dynamic system used for categorizing and sorting patients according to the severity of their injuries and prioritization for evacuation to definitive care given the limitations of the current situation, and available resources (time, equipment, supplies, personnel, and evacuation capabilities).

The START System (Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment) is a basic approach to teach the triage process, which involves the use of color coded tags to sort casualties. Disaster triage presents unique challenges to even the most seasoned EMS responders.

Communication and Equipment Standards

Communications infrastructure can be divided into wired and wireless. For several reasons, wireless infrastructure is more relevant to disaster response for EMS. Key standards for wireless communication include the following:

  • Mesh Networks
  • WiMAX
  • VoIP
  • Supply Management System (SUMA)
  • Internet
  • Security/HIPAA and Wireless Peer Network

Personal protective equipment (PPE) standards are characterized by escalating levels of protection, with Level A as the highest level and Level D as the lowest (basic protection).  Only those who are properly trained, fitted, and authorized to don the level of PPE should do so.

Education and Training

Education and training for disaster preparedness and response is essential. Funding for these activities for EMS is widely available from federal agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and for-profit organizations.

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