Main Content
Frames are made from different web pages brought together into one browser. Most users do not think of it as seperate sites because they see a single site. Developers, of course, realize that it is seperate sited being displayed together. Screen readers on the other hand, do treat frames as seperate pages. Many screen readers at this point can handle frames fairly well and many provide a user with a frames mode. For the screen reader to utilize frames mode properly and for a user to be aware of which frame they are in, there is additional coding that needs to be put into place such as proper document type, frame titles, as well as providing noframe content, which essentially makes you create a seperate instance of the web site not using frames. Since this is often not part of the typical web design process, it is often missed. Even given the frames are properly coded, frames can cause cognitive and usability issues. we do not use frames in our courses so I am not going to go into the ways to properly code frames for an accessible design. If you would like more information on creating accessible frames, you can find it here: Creating Accessible Frames
Layout Tables
Table layouts can become a challenge for users of a screen reader. Tables are read in the same way as a book by default (unless coded to be read otherwise). Because of this, the web developer must code the table properly to have the cells (page content) read by a screen reader in the intended order and the users are restricted to only receiving the page information the way that the web developer has determined as the best way. Often times, the web developer will not code the content to be read in any particular way as it is not something that they are concerned about. If the developer has coded the page content to be received in a specific way, there is generally a distinct reason for it. The way a web developer chooses content to be received may not always be the best way for the users. It is better practice to allow the user the most control over how they receive content in most cases. Exceptions to this should only occur if there is a good reason or a specific purpose.
CSS Layout
Styling a page and the layout can be achieved through the use of CSS and is a more accessible option. CSS should be used for page styling and layout when possible. Table layouts can become a challenge for users of a screen reader by limit the way that they can receive the information on a page. The page should be coded the way that the content should be received to users of a screen reader. The visual reception of the page content can then be styled using CSS.
When separating body content, using the paragraph <p> tag as opposed to the break <br /> tag is preferred so that screen readers and assistive technologies can differentiate between the content. The <br /> tag should be used to visually separate related content (such as a list of related items), while <p> tags should be used to separate paragraphs.
Text alignment is an important styling element when considering the purpose. Aligning text to the left will promote cognition and comprehension the most for content in paragraph form.