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Lesson 1: Spreadsheet Basics

What is a spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet is a two dimensional calculator. Numbers, text, and formulas are entered into cells.  Each cell has an address; a column value denoted by a letter (eg. A) and a row value denoted by a number (eg. 1). Thus A1 means column A and row 1, P7 means column P and row 7, etc...

To access a cell simply click on it. Whatever cell you have most recently clicked on is considered the active cell. When you are in a cell you can enter text, numbers, and formulas.

Below you can see that tex has been entered t to create a heading named ‘Week’ and a heading named ‘Sales (Units)’. Under the ‘Week’ heading the numbers 1,2,3, and 4 have been entered. For the sake of the example imagine that cheese is being sold and for each week. Sales has been entered in lbs under the ‘Sales (Units)’ heading.

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