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Course Introduction

Wrap Up

To complete the unit you will need to have completed the following:

  1. Complete the Course Introduction  NOTE: This introduction includes information on the tools you will be using for this course. It is imperative that you read/understand this information! As well, please please seek help when you experience confusion or difficulty!
  2. Read through the course syllabus.
  3. Login to our class Yammer space through the tab in the left menu. We will use this site to to hold group conversations and complete certain assignments.
  4. Read required readings (3).
  5. Login to Bongo through the link in the left menu.
  6. Complete Who Am I? Introduction Using Bongo.
  7. Next, check back over the next few days to the Bongo site. Watch and listen to a minimum of 5 introductory videos. Post a short response that addresses the content of the introduction. In so doing, the hope is that the beginnings of a class community are “taking root”!
  8. Complete the Academic Integrity Form
  9. Complete a "Student Directory" page through the link in the left menu.

Table Sign up

This course has been organized into "tables." Each "table" has a topic or focus; a set of common (or shared) reading(s); and a list of readings from which you can select one to read individually. During the semester you will visit all five tables. Each table has 5 "chairs" where you might sit. Once you "sit down" at a given table, you'll be working at the table for a period of two weeks in total. During the time that you're "sitting" at your chosen table, you'll be completing several assignments before you're asked to "get up" and to select a different table at which to "sit down."

You're Invited!

In order to continue on with our journey, you will now sign up for your first table. You may choose any of five tables.  Remember, no more than 4 people can "sit" at any table. Why? Well, each "table" has only 4 "chairs." "First come, first served," as they say.

When all 4 chairs at one table are filled, you'll need to find another "table" to occupy (or "sit down at"). Make sense? The Curriculum Cafe is a busy place! Sign up soon!

A further note: After you sign up for a chair at a particular table, you will be prompted to then move onto the "Curriculum Cafe" where you will continue your journey.

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