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Lesson 2: The Development of Cinematic Language
Sound Editing
Video 2.11: Sequence from Raging Bull.
Sequence from Raging Bull Video Transcript
ANNOUNCER: Well, certainly that was one of the most damaging evidences of punching that you have seen in recent years.
JAKE LAMOTTA: Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. What are you standing for? Come on!
ANNOUNCER: Robinson apparently tired. Punched with a fare-the-well and rocked Jake LaMotta right to his heels.
JAKE LAMOTTA: Come on, Ray.
Now let's look at the same sequence, this time with a different soundtrack added. Focus on the interaction between these two men, the way in which they are looking at each other and staring into the other's eyes. If you add the soundtrack, in this case the soundtrack from Brokeback Mountain, what we get is a wholly different sequence of events when you're thinking about sound.
Video 2.12: Sequence from Raging Bull with alternative soundtrack.
All of this is to demonstrate that sound is very important in terms of how movies construct a relationship with us as viewers.