Parts of a Sentence
- Appositive
- Clause
- Direct object
- Indirect object
- Phrase
- Predicate nominative/subject complement
- Prepositional phrase
- Subject
We will use this sentence to illustrate our first group of terms:
The cat in the hat ate delicious food.
Text Description
Parts of a Sentence
Parts of a Sentence
Cat is the subject.
The subject is the noun doing the action.
Object of the preposition
Hat is the object of the preposition.
Recall that in is a preposition and hat is the noun that completes the prepositional phrase. "Phases are groups of related words that lack either a subject (a doer) or a verb (an action of a state of being) or both." Working with Words, Page 28
Direct object
Food is the direct object.
The direct object answers "What?" The cat ate what? Food.
The entire sentence is a clause.
A clause contains a subject and a verb.
Next we will use this sentence:
The cat, an orange tabby, gave his owner soft kisses.
Text Description
Parts of a Senence
Parts of a Sentence Continued
An orange tabby is an appositive.
An appositive is a noun that further described a noun and is usually separated by commas.
Indirect object
Owner is the indirect object.
The indirect object answers "to whom" or "for whom"? The cat gave kisses to whom? His owner.
Finally, we will look at this sentence:
The cat is an orange tabby.
Text Description
Predicate nominative a.k.a. Subject complement
- The cat is an orange tabby.
- An orange tabby is the predicate nominative or subject complement.
- It is the noun that follows a linking verb and restates the subject (Working with Words, Page 39). Linking verbs can be found on Page 59 in Working with Words.