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Lesson 2: Parts of Speech

Lesson 2 Wrap Up


  1. Noun - Person, place or thing
  2. Verb - Action of the sentence
  3. Adjective - Describes/modifies a noun
  4. Adverb - Describes/modifies a verb
  5. Interjection - Expresses emotion
  6. Preposition - Shows the relationship between two nouns
  7. Conjunction - “Connects words, phrases or clauses”
  8. Appositive - Noun that further describes a noun and is usually separated by commas
  9. Clause - Contains a subject and a verb
  10. Direct object - Answers what
  11. Indirect object - Answers to whom or for whom
  12. Phrase - A group of related words
  13. Predicate/subject complement - The noun that follows a linking verb
  14. Prepositional phrase - The words that complete the preposition
  15. Subject - The noun doing the action

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