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Lesson 2: Critical-Cultural Theories

Lesson 2 Overview



A primary purpose of media studies and cultural critique is to create positive change in media practice and to build audience media literacy and empowerment. Theory develops from research results and helps explain how things work.

Research on violent media content and media effects has continued from the early days of film with the 1930's Payne Fund Studies until today where research examines violence in all genres of media. Gerbner and peers initiated the Cultural Indicators Project from University of Pennsylvania in 1967 to examine TV messages, media effects, and institutional policies with regard to violence and other common message patterns. This research developed cultivation theory and the concepts of Mean World Syndrome to explain findings that heavy television viewing helps cultivate a view of the reality that reflects the TV reality, with a disproportionate incidence of violence.

Gerbner and Morgan analyze Mean World Syndrome and explain the meaning of their extensive research on TV and other media violence.

Our reading this week by Ott & Mack (Introducing Critical Media Studies) provides an overview of how the mass media and other communication technologies increasingly mediate both what we know and how we know it. 

We suggest you complete readings and view the film before you complete the lesson activities. Reading and film notes are also provided for your reference.

Knowledge Goals

Here are the knowledge goals for this lesson:

  • Understand communication theories and research methods.
  • Describe how theory can explain identity, social knowledge and understanding of diversity.
  • Describe how cultivation theory developed from TV media effects research. 
  • Develop some insights about why media violence is so attractive to audiences.

Lesson Readings and Activities

By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Lesson 2 Course Schedule.


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