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Lesson 2: Your Social Media

Lesson 2 Overview



It’s been more than a decade since Facebook surpassed MySpace as the dominant social network to now sit at 2.3 billion monthly active users. Currently, 69% of Americans use some kind of social media platform, and for the 18- to 29-year-old demographic, that rate is 88%, according to the Pew Research Center. Social media is firmly a part of our everyday modern life, however research suggests that the impact is mixed.

  • A survey found that 57% of Americans who use social media posted or texted something that they regretted.
  • A report found that just 9% of Americans believe they have “a lot of control” over how much information is collected about them.
  • A report found that Facebook users are more trusting, have more close relationships, get more social support and are more politically engaged.
  • A study of ninth grade biology students found that those who took part in a program to learn scientific argumentation through social media out-performed their peers when it came to asking questions, analyzing and interpreting data, and engaging an argument from evidence.

The body of research on social media’s impact on our lives will continue to grow, and in this lesson, you’re encouraged to take a clear-eyed look at your own social media with the objectivity of a researcher. By looking at the personal, you’ll grow in your understanding of some key principles in the professional use of social media.

We will also look at how social media can be an effective tool for communications professionals to work on behalf of their brands through their own channels. Also, we’ll explore how social media influencers and advocates can advance a brand through personal channels with directives, guidance and, sometimes incentives, coming from the brand. 


Here are the objectives for this lesson:

  • Define your social media philosophy and write a concise professional summary to enhance your personal brand.
  • Recognize how PR professionals, influencers and advocates can help distribute key messaging for a brand through their personal channels.
  • Assess the time you spend on social media platforms or your phone and evaluate if a change in habits would be beneficial to your wellbeing.

Lesson Readings and Activities

By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Lesson 2 Course Schedule.


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