ENT 317

Phylogeny of arthropods and related groups:

Prior to introducing the class to Insect Orders let's briefly discuss the Phylogeny of arthropods and related groups. These groups include:

Insect taxonomy is a dynamic changing science, hence it is important to be able to rely on an excellent textbook titled An Introduction to the Study of Insects (1989. 6 th edition. Borror, D.J. , C.A. Triplehorn, and N.F. Johnson. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, New York, NY, 874 pp).

Insects are further divided into:

  • Apterygota (i.e., includes primitively wingless insects such as silverfish).
    • The subclass Pterygota includes winged and secondarily wingless insects.
      • These include the following groups: Exopterygota which undergo gradual change with external wing development which can be further subdivided into:
        • Paleoptera (e.g., mayflies and dragonflies/damselflies)
        • Neoptera (e.g., walkingsticks, gradhoppers, crickets, cockroaches, earwigs, true bugs, homopterans, and thrips).

  • Endopyterygota undergo internal wing development and complete metamorphosis. Insects in the latter group include lacewings, beetles, weevils, fleas, flies, butterflies, moths, and hymenopterous insects. You can find excellent information once again at the Tree of Life web site.