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HLS 875 - Homeland Security Law Course Schedule

Course Starts:
Course Ends:
Course Length: 16 weeks

NOTE: All assignments will be due no later than 11:59 pm EST/EDT, Sunday evenings unless otherwise specifically stated. All assignments are due based on the eastern time zone (ET). This ensures that all students have the same deadlines regardless of where they live.

Getting Started Lesson

Time frame:Week 1
  • Getting Started Lesson content
  • Instructor Welcome Message
  • Perform the activities in the Getting Started Lesson
    • Submit the Student Questionnaire Form
    • Submit the Academic Integrity Statement
    • Introduce yourself by uploading a short, 1-minute introduction video to VoiceThread

Lesson 1: Origins and Context of U.S. Homeland Security Law

Time frame:Week 2
  • As assigned on the Lesson 1 Road Map page
  • Lesson 01 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 01 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 2: The Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land

Time frame:Week 3
  • As assigned on the Road Map page
  • Lesson 02 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 02 Dropbox Assignment
Lesson 3: Judicial Review
Time frame:Week 4
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 03 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 03 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 4: The Constitutional Dynamic of Legislative Enactments, Executive Actions, and Judicial Review

Time frame:Week 5
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 04 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 04 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 5: A Legal Framework for Analyzing Homeland Security Issues

Time frame:Week 6
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Using a legal framework, assess the treatment of safe air by relevant authorities.  After completing your analysis, evaluate whether the challenges associated with safe air have been treated at the proper level, and what more should be done such as additional statutes or executive actions. Briefing assignments consist of two parts and are due at the end of next week: 

    • Written Briefing Paper
      • Your written briefing paper should be two pages in length.
      • Post your 2 page paper to the Briefing Paper #1 Dropbox.
    • Oral Argument presented via VoiceThread
      • In 3 minutes, present your analysis and conclusions via a recorded video

Research Week/Framework Video Week

Time frame:Week 7
Assignment:Use this week to work on your Legal Framework assignment as outlined in Lesson 5. 

Lesson 6: The Relationship Between the Federal Government and the States

Time frame:Week 8
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 06 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 06 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 7: Legal Aspects of the Organization of Homeland Security

Time frame:Week 9
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 07 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 07 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 8: Providing Security while Preserving Freedom

Time frame:Week 10
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 08 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 08 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 9: Secure Borders and Controlled Immigration

Time frame:Week 11
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 09 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 09 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 10: Cyber Security Law

Time frame:Week 12
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 10 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 10 Dropbox Assignment

Lesson 11: Legal Dimensions of Preparedness and Resilience

Time frame:Week 13
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page
  • Lesson 11 Discussion Forum
  • Lesson 11 Dropbox Assignment


Time frame:Week 14

Lesson 12: Trends in Homeland Security Law
Final Written & Oral Briefing

Time frame:Weeks 15 & 16
  • As assigned on the Lesson Road Map page

Select from the following Supreme Court cases that illustrates the complex treatment of homeland security issues in one or more of the following ways:

  1. All three branches have addressed it;
  2. Congress has legislated a change in the law that has modified executive branch policies and/or a court decision;
  3. The President has aggressively interpreted his Article II powers by implementing policies;
  4. The Supreme Court has found the actions of the President or Congress unconstitutional, or it has determined that each branch has handled the issue consistent with the Constitution.


  • U.S. v Arizona
  • Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Briefing assignments consist of two parts:
  1. Written Briefing Paper #2
    • Your final written briefing paper should be three to four pages in length.
    • Post your paper to the Briefing Paper #2 Dropbox.
  2. Oral Argument presented via VoiceThread
    • In 5 minutes, present your analysis and conclusions via a recorded video uploaded to YouSeeU

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