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Week 4: Learning in Participatory Cultures

Resources for Week 4

Refer to the Course Schedule ► Engage, to review this week’s required and/or optional resources.

All the required resources this week are related to connected learning, a framework that suggests how to engage and support learners by connecting them with networks of peers, adults, and resources related to their interests. Athough this work is based on research conducted with youth, the concepts can apply to learning more generally. As you read the texts and watch the videos, note how the learner's intentions and interests help to connect them across different contexts and spaces. Also notice how the role of teachers and peers is articulated.

This week, you are also being asked to explore two technologies to explore how they are being used by indivdiuals to learn. Make sure to pick some examples from each of the tools that you want to share in your post as you explore! 

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