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Lesson 01

L01 Overview

This course is an exploration of how race and gender influence, and are influenced by, employment. In this first lesson, we introduce the basic concepts of this course.


Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson successfully, you will be able to:

  1. Explain how race, gender, and other demographics are interrelated and influence the workplace.
  2. Discuss changing demographics in the U.S. and the associated effects on workforce diversity.
  3. Differentiate among diversity, discrimination, and their interrelationships.
  4. Describe research on the individual and organizational benefits of diversity.


Readings and Resources

For this lesson, read/view the following:

  1. Course Orientation
    • This module contains a discussion where you can introduce yourself to and learn more about your classmates.
  2. Lesson 01 content
  3. Myrtle Bell, Diversity in Organizations (5th ed., 2025), Chapter 1: Introduction
  4. "New report from members of The Washington Post’s union shows women and people of color are paid less.", Courtney Connley, CNBC, Nov. 7, 2019


For this lesson, complete the following:

  • L01 Discussion on Supporting Diversity
    • This assignment has two parts: Initial Post and Reply Posts 


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