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Lesson 7: Education and Training

Lesson Overview

Once hired, an employer must consider the ways in which the organization can best prepare employees to assume the duties of their positions. One approach is the growing interest in onboarding, a process that helps all new hires understand the work environment and culture of the organization. Beyond onboarding, this lesson will also identify learning tools that are role and job specific.

Lesson Objectives

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to

  • describe and apply the manner in which training programs are developed;
  • explain the difference between employee orientation and onboarding;
  • distinguish training from other interventions designed to improve individual and organizational performance; and
  • develop measuring tools to determine the degree to which a training intervention affected individual and organizational performance.

Lesson Readings & Activities

By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Lesson 7 Course Schedule.

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