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Lesson 5: Recruitment

Lesson Overview

Whether because a new position is established, or there is a need to fill a position that becomes vacant, an organization must at times identify those individuals in the labor market who are willing to be considered for employment. There is an increasingly larger array of tools available for this purpose; however, all must be employed consistent with law and regulation that have important influences on the recruitment and selection processes.

Lesson Objectives

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to

  • explain the relationship among recruitment, selection and talent management;
  • determine from internal and external data sources, workforce needs and trends;
  • explain the variety of recruitment tools available to identify potential applicants consistent with the organization’s strategic vision; and,
  • develop a recruitment plan consistent with the workforce planning process.

Lesson Readings & Activities

By the end of this lesson, make sure you have completed the readings and activities found in the Lesson 5 Course Schedule.

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