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Using WC Slideplayer

How To Use WC Slideplayer

The WC Slide Player code has three main parts:

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The Slide Collection

The following code creates the collection of slides. Each slide collection should have a unique ID, eg. "slidesA", "figure2", or "example1", so that it can be matched to a set of navigation buttons. It should also have the class "wcslideplayer" so that the WC Slideplayer script will make it function like a slideplayer.

<!-- slide collection A, unique ID and class wcslideplayer -->
<div id="slidesA" class="wcslideplayer">
<!-- end slide collection -->
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The Individual Slides

Each individual slide should be placed within the div tags of the slide collection. The following code creates a single slide on the slideplayer. It should also have the class "slide" so that the WC Slideplayer script will make it function like a slideplayer slide.

<!-- a slide -->
<div class="slide" id="slide01">
<!-- end slide -->

To see actual examples of the WC Slideplayer and the code that makes them, continue to the following page...

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The Navigation Buttons

The navigation button code can be placed above or below the slide collection code, depending upon whether or not you want the navigation buttons to appear at the top or the bottom of the player itself. The following code creates the set of navigation buttons for WC slideplayer. The navbuttons class tells the slideplayer code that these are slideplayer navigation buttons. A second class, eg. "slidesA", "figure2", or "example1", matches the navigation to the slide collection that it controls.

<!-- navigation buttons, class must match ID of player -->
<div class="navbuttons slidesA">
<div class="navbutton firstslide">|&lt;∓lt;</div>
<div class="navbutton prevslide">&lt;</div>
<div class="navbutton playall">Play All</div>
<div class="navbutton pause">Pause</div>
<div class="navbutton lastslide">&gt;&gt;|</div>
<div class="navbutton nextslide">></div>
<!-- end navigation buttons -->
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Putting It All Togther...

<!-- navigation buttons -->
<div class="navbuttons slidesA">
<div class="navbutton firstslide">|&lt;∓lt;</div>
<div class="navbutton prevslide">&lt;</div>
<div class="navbutton playall">Play All</div>
<div class="navbutton pause">Pause</div>
<div class="navbutton lastslide">&gt;&gt;|</div>
<div class="navbutton nextslide">></div>
<!-- end navigation buttons -->

<!-- slide collection A, unique ID and class wcslideplayer -->
<div id="slidesA" class="wcslideplayer">
<!-- a slide -->
<div class="slide" id="slide01">
<!-- end slide -->

<!-- a slide -->
<div class="slide" id="slide02">
<!-- end slide -->

<!-- end slide collection -->
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