LL ED 462: The Art of the Picturebook
LL ED 462: The Art of the Picturebook

    1. Introduction
    2. What is a Picturebook?
    3. Creating Meaning in a Picturebook - Part I
    4. Creating Meaning in a Picturebook - Part II
    5. Creating Meaning in a Picturebook - Part III
    6. The Book as a Physical Object - Part I
    7. The Book as a Physical Object - Part II
    8. The Book as a Physical Object - Part III
    9. Conventions and Style - Part I
    10. Conventions and Style - Part II
    11. Elements of Design - Part I
    12. Elements of Design - Part II
    13. Media of Picture Books - Part I
    14. Media of Picture Books - Part II
    15. Media of Picture Books - Part III
    16. Activities & Assignments

Activities & Assignments

Activities & Assignments

Threaded Discussion: Participate in Lesson 2's class disucussion activities. To access the discussion discussion forums, go to the Threaded Discussions folder under the Lessons tab, and choose the Lesson 2 Picturebooks Overview folder.