Each event consists of an introductory video, or scene setter, to let you know where you are and what you are doing at the moment; conversations in which you listen and interact with other characters; instructional video segments; graded activities; and ungraded practice exercises or games.

event menu itemsUngraded Practice
Each instructional topic is immediately followed by an ungraded practice. Many of the practice games pull from question pools to allow you to review and reuse them.

Pratica Orale Exercises
At the completion of each event, you will participate in a Pratica Orale or oral practice. Each event has a specific type of practice:

  • Event 1: pronunciation practice of words and short phrases
  • Event 2: short utterances and responses to questions or prompts
  • Event 3: partner practice in which you will pair with another student and speak to one another online
  • Event 4: speaking in sentences in response to prompts using grammar rules and vocabulary learned in the day

Oral practices will be recorded in a system called YouSeeU. We’ve provided a link to YouSeeU in the Canvas course navigation menu. 

Quizzes and Exams
Language quizzes and exams are spaced throughout the course. These are to be completed online through Canvas. See the course schedule for specific assignments and due dates.

Written Assignments
Written assignments appear later in the course and are submitted through Canvas. See the course schedule for specific assignments and due dates.

Practice, Practice, Practice
The Practice games have a reset button that allows you to play again and again. You can practice as much as you want. Likewise, the Conversations are open and can be played again and again. We encourage you to practice, listen and speak aloud as much as possible!