You know it’s going to cost a little more to sit down, but since you are here to soak up the atmosphere, you decide it’s worth it.
As you relax, you notice some students who have the same idea. As they sit down, a friendly Italian man greets them. They are soon engaged in lively introductions.

Listen to the conversation 2-3 times. What do you hear?
Antonio: Piacere. Mi chiamo Antonio.
John: Mi chiamo John.
Vanessa: Mi chiamo Vanessa. Piacere.

Notice that Antonio greets the Americans with the word piacere, which means pleased to meet you, and shakes their hands. Antonio, in common with many young Italians, has a little bit of English.
Listen to the introductions again – this time with subtitles in English.
English Translation
Antonio: Pleased to meet you. My name is Antonio.
John: My name is John.
Vanessa: My name is Vanessa.

Try repeating the conversation. Mimic the sound, intonation, and inflection that you hear.
Use the audio recorder provided to record your own voice and play it back compared to the model.