
You have been provided with a menu. As each question is asked, think about how you might answer. Practice writing and pronouncing your response. There is no correct answer as to what you order, but be sure to use articles, singular, and plural correctly.

After the waiter asks each question, try to respond with an answer based on the menu provided. Model answers have been provided for each question.

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Buonasera e benvenuti alla Trattoria Mario. Che desiderate? Un antipasto?

Practice your Response.


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Example: Buonasera. La bruschetta per favore. Grazie.

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E per primo?
Il piatto del giorno sono i bucatini all’amatriciana.

Practice your Response.


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Example 1: Per me, gli spaghetti alla carbonara.
Example 2: Va bene. Per me, i bucatini all'amatriciana.

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Che vi porto da bere?

Practice your Response.


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Example 1: Una bottiglia di acqua minerale.
Example 2: Una bottiglia di Chianti.

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Ecco il primo!
Gradite un secondo?

Practice your Response.


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Example 1: No, grazie. Sono sazio.
Example 2: Sì. La bistecca ai ferri per favore.

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Ecco il secondo!
Volete un dolce o un caffè?

Practice your Response.


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Example 1: Solo il caffè, grazie.
Example 2: Il tiramisù e un caffè per favore.

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Ecco il conto!

Practice your Response.


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Example 1: Grazie.

