Before You Depart
- Welcome!
About the Course
Getting Started
Days 1-3: Rome
Day 1
- Objectives
- Itinerary
- Vocabulary
Event 1: Arrive in Rome
Event 2: Navigate Rome
Event 3: At the Bar
- Video: Coffee in Rome
- Conversation: Students at the Bar
- Practice: Cognates
- Conversation: The Verb 'to be'
- Practice: Conjugate 'to be'
- Instruction: The Verb 'to have'
- Practice: The Verb 'to have'
- Instruction: Verb Equivalents
- Practice: Verb Equivalents
- Event 3 Review
- Flash Cards
- Pratica Orale: Partner Practice
Event 4: At the Hotel
- Video: The Hotel Bar
- Instruction: Formal and Informal Greetings
- Conversation: Formality
- Conversation: Informality
- Practice: Comprehension
- Practice: Formal and Informal
- Video: Dinner Choices
- Instruction: Nouns
- Practice: Masculine and Feminine Nouns
- Instruction: Definite Articles
- Practice: Definite Articles
- Practice: Singular and Plural Nouns
- Video: The Nearby Trattoria
- Instruction: Vocabulary
- Conversation: Ordering Dinner
- Video: A Wonderful Dinner
- Event 4 Review
- Flash Cards
- Pratica Orale: Respond to Questions
Day 1 Review