While four different verbs are needed in Italian to express these concepts, English uses “to be” in each instance.

You have learned about Avere (to have). As an equivalent to essere, it is used with certain nouns including ‘hunger’ (to have hunger = to be hungry) and ‘thirst’ (to have thirst = to be thirsty) these espressioni con avere are introduced in Day 2. See pages 52-54 in the printed version of the purple textbook or view pages 115-119 in the digital version online.
Two other equivalents are:
(to make/do) is used...to express weather conditions
Singolare | Plurale |
(io) faccio | (noi) facciamo |
(tu) fai | (voi) fate |
(lui/lei) fa | (loro) fanno |
(to be) is used...to discuss health
Singolare | Plurale |
(io) sto | (noi) stiamo |
(tu) stai | (voi) state |
(lui/lei) sta | (loro) stanno |