This is a busy spot! Antonio spots an Italian friend of his, Caterina, who has just gotten off work. He invites her to pull up a chair. When the waitress comes, they all order coffee and something to eat.

Sitting outside of a bar

Listen to the waitress serve the items 2-3 times. What words does she use again and again?

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Waitress: Ecco un tè caldo...ecco una brioche...qui c‘è un cucchiaino e qui ci sono lo zucchero e il latte!

Waitress/Renata: Ecco una birra...ecco gli stuzzichini...qui ci sono le olive e qui c‘è un tovagliolo!

Waitress/Renata: Ecco il caffè signori...ecco i biscotti...qui ci sono le tazze e qui c‘è il conto!”

Sitting outside of a bar

Listen again. What do you think ‘ecco’ means? What about ‘c‘è’ or ‘ci sono’?

Replay what the waitress said to her customers.


English Translation

Waitress/Renata: Here is a hot is a sweet roll…here (there) is a teaspoon and here (there) are sugar and milk.

Waitress/Renata: Here is a are the snacks…here (there) are the olives and here (there) is napkin.

Waitress/Renata: il caffè (the coffee), i biscotti (the cookies), le tazze (the cups), il conto (the bill).

Let’s keep listening. Caterina pulls out her tablet and together she and Antonio point out some of the highlights of their home city on an electronic map.

iPad sowing a map of Italy
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Antonio: Ecco il teatro!

Caterina: Ecco il Colosseo!

Antonio: Brava! In Italia ci sono diversi edifici tipo il Colosseo. Avete visto l’arena di Verona? O l’amfiteatro a Pompeii?